We Serve a global community of professionals having customized requirements. Our sales team can assist you to find the relevant products as per your specifications and meet the respective standards.
In industries where metal is extracted, smelted, and processed the working conditions vary from severe to dangerous due to high temperatures of the furnaces and the heavy loads of molten metal in areas such as melting furnaces, casting lines, rolling mills, cells, etc. require specific technical fabrics offering proper protection from molten metal splashes and radiant heat.
In Iron & Steel Industries where metals are handled at a melting point of approximately 1,400°C, it is required that operators wear effective protection that can resist molten metal splashes. Though the viscosity of these metals, when in their liquid state, supports the repellency of fabrics against potential molten metal splashes; the high temperatures and the possibility that a sudden fire may start because of electric arc, the iron and steel industry is a dangerous environment. Mahavir Spinfab offers innovative solutions to this sector by covering any needs for protection from high temperatures, radiant heat, contact heat, massive molten metal splashes, liquid chemical splashes, etc. and promoting visibility in monochromatic spaces with high-visibility fabrics.
Compliance :
For Aluminum Industries finding a technical fabric that offers a reasonable and long-lasting guarantee for good protection from molten aluminum splashes is complicated, given that its melting point of only 700°C, the viscosity of aluminum makes it easy for it to stick to any fabric, which results in serious burns. With continuous innovations from our Research and Development team, special protective fiber blends have been prepared that prevent molten aluminum from sticking to the fabric surface while maintain the durability and comfort of the garment. It also has better FR performance and thermal properties for protection against contact, convective and radiant heats which are a major issue in the metallurgical industries.
Compliance :
All these standards in various combinations with one another can be used to fit the requirements of the protection against a hazard. They can be used with other Fire protection standards as well.
We Serve a global community of professionals having customized requirements. Our sales team can assist you to find the relevant products as per your specifications and meet the respective standards.