Oil & Gas
Nomadic Oil & Gas Safe garments range is manufactured in a way that they resist ignition, and will prevent the spread of flames over it’s surface area during flash fires occur in oil, Gas and Petrochemical Industries.
Such clothing, if worn properly, provides adequate saftey from burn injuries, if the body is not in direct contact with the source. However, it is to be noted that if the FR garments are contaminated by flammable substances, the have the possibility of burning quickly, and hence, should be replaced immediately.
Below are some standards which are necessary to comply by garments to be used in Oil and Gas Industries.
EN ISO 11612
Protection against brief contact with heat and flame. Garments can be classified as:
A1: Limited Flame Spread | A2: Limited Flame Spread, hemmed specimens | B1 to B3: Convective Heat
C1 to C4: Radiant Heat | D1 to D3: Molten Aluminum Splash | E1 to E3: Molten Iron Splash
F1 to F3: Contact Heat
EN ISO 11611
Protection against small splashes of molten metal, and brief contact with flame. Garments are certified to use in welding and allied processes.
Class 1: Protection against low spatter & radiant heat | Class 2: Protection against high spatter & radiant heat
EN 1149-5
Protection against sparking.
The garment should be used as part of a totally earthed system to avoid combustible discharges
EN 13034
Protection against liquid chemicals or Garments having liquid permeation barrier.
Prolonged wearing of such garments may cause Heat Stress. The standard checks for Abrasion resistance,
Trapezoidal tear resistance, Tensile strength, Puncture resistance, Repellency to liquids and Resistance to
penetration by liquids.
EN IEC 61482-1-2-
Protection against the hazards of an Electric Arc.
Class 1: 4 kA Arc | Class 2: 7 kA Arc
Underwriters Laboratories is a renowned International testing organization which manage online database of registered and certified products on their official website where genuinity of all the product can be traced.
NFPA 2112
Specifies design, performance, certification, and test methods for flame-resistant garments. Requirements:
Flame Retardant/Resistant even after 100 wash cycles, Thermal Protective Performance (TPP) of 6.0 for space, and of 3.0 for contact AND an exposure heat flux as 84kW/m² with an exposure time of 3.0 seconds.
The average total predicted body burn must not exceed 50%. Fabric char length should be less than 6 inches.
ASTM F1506 as per NFPA 70E
The standard is required for garments worn by workers having Electrical Arc and related Thermal Hazards.
According to the ASTM D6413, the fabric must not melt, drip or have more than 2.0 seconds after-flame.
The Arc rating is reported as ATPV (calculated when the fabric is not breakopen).